Video: SynergyDance on Capital Edition

It's taken us a while to gather and edit together some of the many beautiful videos and photos shot over the years — and it's been a while since this first aired. Here's Channel 9/Washington's "Capital Edition" feature on SynergyDance and Charmaine Lee, founder of Synergy Dance & Healing Arts Center in D.C., which first...

SynergyDance Clips: The Elements

SynergyDance movements are based on the elemental energies of polarity therapy — earth, water, fire, air and ether. This brief montage from the original SynergyDance 60-Minute Video (1997) is meant to shed some light on the subject (plus, we got to relive some truly great days in and around Negril, Jamaica).

SynergyDance Clips: Deep Water

SynergyDance Clip 1: Short clip of SynergyDance creator Charmaine Lee from the 1997 SynergyDance 60-Minute Video, shot in Negril, Jamaica. Produced by Golden Dolphin/Walter Starck and SynergyDance.

Washington Post: Inner Washington

Excerpted from “Inner Washington,” by Roger Piantadosi, published Feb. 2, 1990 in The Washington Post Weekend section . . . It’s funny, but you can hear the same tune a thousand times–the one about how successful self-improvement ought to involve both your body and your mind–and never quite get it. Next time it comes around,...

The Embodiment of Creative Power

Teacher Danielle Vierling, writing about the Empress on tarot blog, sheds light on how the Empress represents the embodiment of creative power — and how SynergyDance and its founder Charmaine Lee played this role in Danielle’s own creative life years ago. Read the post here.

Our Sedentary Ways (by Charise M. Hoge)

In her 2018 post to the Best American Poetry blog, dancer and writer Charise Hoge appreciates her initial encounter with SynergyDance in the 1990s — classes in which "I had never seen so much joy in one room from people of all strata of society — writers, mothers, drummers, chefs, flight attendants, therapists, business owners...

From “Under the Duvet,” by Marian Keyes

I might have looked as if I was just prancing around a room with ten others but I was actually “activating Kundalini energy flow in my body, creating a safe, sacred space for healing sexuality.” So now for you. Tuesday night, Temple Bar, SynergyDance — I had no idea what to expect. While talking on...

Pathways Magazine

Excerpted from an article in the September 1988 issue of Pathways Magazine: . . . Place your right thumb just at your solar plexus and your left hand on your head . . . Feel yourself go into center. So begins the 8:30 a.m. exercise class at SynergyDance studio on Wisconsin Avenue. Charmaine is in...

Cville: The Synergizer Bunny

Published in Cville Weekly, Charlottesville, Va., in 2004: Your journey toward personal expression and self-discovery has stalled out at a critical crossroads. Stuck in the metaphysical mud, you wonder what a tortured creative soul is supposed to do. If running hasn’t brought you inner peace or your romance novel still isn’t quite coming together, you...

Dublin Independent: We Gotta Dance

When the going gets tough, the tough go dancing. In the teeth of the credit crunch, the craze for dance has exploded — after all, it’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s great fun. Victoria Mary Clarke used to be passionate about dancing and recently she’s taken up the tango with her partner Shane MacGowan [lead...

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